Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Best commercial

Now you may be wondering, "Mr. Swank, what is your absolute FAVORITE commercial OF ALL TIME?" Stay awhile and listen.

Truly the greatest commercial I've ever seen.

This was directed by one of my favorite filmmakers, Shinya Tsukamoto, and features music by one of my favorite bands, Nine Inch Nails. The latter needs no introduction nor explanation, but let me tell you a bit about Tsukamoto.

He's crazy. He's insanely gifted. He did this little black and white independent film in the late '80s called Tetsuo: The Iron Man. It's my favorite of his films, and one of my absolute favorite movies ever. Go see it. It's available to watch on YouTube. It's also currently available on Netflix streaming.

The MTV Japan advert above was done in the same hyperkinetic weird-out style as the first Tetsuo film. Wild stop-motion, body horror, clangy sounds, all with a strong punk/cyberpunk attitude. Tetsuo, this commercial, and the short film Denchu Kozo no boken (which translates to The Adventure of the Young Electricity Pole Priest or something absurd like that, and can be viewed on YouTube—I recommend it) are the only films of Tsukamoto's, to my knowledge, which are done in this style—though other films, like Sogo "Dragon" Ishii's superb(ly noisy) Electric Dragon 80000V (trailer) capture the same kind of look and feel as these.

Right. Buncha shaznat nobody else really cares about, but at least I get to pour my heart out.

(Originally posted December 23, 2010.)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Prime Directive #1: Advertise

You may be wondering, "Mr. Swank, what is your second favorite commercial OF ALL TIME?" No? Well, I'll tell you what it is regardless.

What is it? Well, it's a Korean commercial featuring RoboCop advertising fried chicken.

This thing makes me giggle with glee. I don't know what the actual brand name is, but it sounds like "What the Hell? Frieda Chicken!", and that little jingle at the end makes the name so much better.

There are many memorable quotes in these thirty seconds of glory. Sayings that we should all use in our everyday lives in the kitchen or at a restaurant, such as, "Yo! I'm about to eat," when we sit down to feast; or, "Can I get a dessert?" when we're ready for that after-dinner delicious treat; and, when entering a KFC, looking at the buffet with astonishment, exclaiming (albeit in a monotonous, bassy tone), "Oh, what the hell, frieda chicken."

Truly a magnificent commercial—especially since it stars RoboCop, the first film of his coming close to being my favorite, following Blade Runner (which reigns supreme, particularly Ridley Scott's definitive Final Cut).

For some reason, there are a variety of other RoboCop commercials from Asian countries, mostly Japan. East Asia (or at least Japan and South Korea) must have been pretty obsessed with the guy for a while. I'll post the ones that I know of, seeing as how they all tickle my fancy.

RoboCop is grateful for his noodles.

RoboCop knows the perfect solution for eradicating cockroaches.

RoboCop endorses new, sophisticated machines—Sony VCRs, just what the video people of the world were expecting.

I want some of that super swing system. And super surround...something.

Those are the ones that I'm aware of. I hope to discover more Asian commercials with RoboCop advertising food and household appliances.

(Originally posted January 8, 2011.)


I don't know what this blog is about. Crap, perhaps. Just another guy thinking he'd interest people by posting a whole lot about nothing.

The first post after this one will actually be a re-post from another blog of mine, one which I'm unsure will move forward. So, perhaps post-next post posts will be in a similar vein, or completely different, like me whining about how much life sucks or something.
